Sunday, February 22, 2009

make a decision

Make a Decisions

Making decisions can be intimidating and time consuming and while there’s no easy way to just make them, the following tips can help you in that direction.

Step 1 : Mark out the parameters of the decision clearly

Step 2 : Gather as much information as you can about each alternative talk to the appropriate people solicit advice from friends and family, and research by reading books and magazine or newspaper article.

Step 3 : Get the experience that will help you make an informed decision.

Step 4 : Jot down a list of pros and cons for each decision prioritize which considerations are very important to you, and which are less so.

Step 5 : Recognize that there are no right reasons for making a particular decision.

Step 6 : Think honestly about any fears, motives or biases guiding your thinking. Recognize them for what they are.

Step 7 : Brainstorm alternatives can you synthesize the available alternatives into a compromise that maximizes the pros and minimize the cons ? Look for way to have your cake eat it too.

Step 8 : Put an end the collecting information about your decision.

Step 9 : Recognize that you might learn things in hindsight that would have changed your decision had you known about them earlier.

Step 10 : Make the decision.

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